Switching Off

I am taking a break from social media which I have done many times before. I have probably done it once a year for the last four years. The longest one I took was six months. It is always pretty good and never was a downside. It gives me more time for things that matter the most. I can get more focused on more important things and think more clearly about my goals.

This break was triggered by many things.

Misinformation Era

Social media is billowing toxic smoke. There's not a time I scrolled through my Facebook without unpleasantries. From non-sensical posts to misinformation. I can not always rely on the Internet for reliable information. Social media is another thing. It is more virulent. People share stuff and they do not know where it comes from. Oblivious to the creator or the validity of the content. You can easily brainwash thousands of people with something you just made up and I can't bear that a lot of people fall for that.

Procrastination Nation

It is a huge distraction. I became fidgety with my phone and I couldn't bring myself to a habit of not checking it out for at least an hour. I seem to check it every five minutes. I get sidetracked and stray away from an important activity.

Back to Basics

I want to up my photography knowledge and skills. I realised I never had proper training. I don't need to go back to uni though. There are a lot of online courses and YouTube videos out there and all I need to do is dedicate a few hours each week to sit down and learn techniques and tips. I'm even keen to go back to basics as I've forgotten most of it.

Less is More

Spending time with people who are more important. As you get older (I'm in my early 30s as of this writing), the fewer people you want to spend your spare time with. You are becoming less of a social butterfly. Family is out of the question. With regard to friends, probably no more than a dozen you want to meet up with regularly. If you're quite active on social media, anyone can connect with you and you can get quite reluctant to catch up and chat. Furthermore, when you're around loved ones, it's nice to put your phone away and just be present with them.


Work is very busy right now and the last thing I need is to check my social media feed every 15 minutes. This is probably the point in my career where I want to accelerate my skills.


There is bliss in disappearing for a while. I have attested this several times. There is actually no need for everyone to know what you are up to. I can focus on my big goals and work silently and elaborately. I do not have the pressure to keep up with content and stay on top of engagements.

Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash
